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Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati |
24×7 Services |
In this modern age more and more round the clock services called ‘twenty-four by seven’ services are provided every-day of the year. In commerce and industry etc. it is possiblefor a group of committed people to offer such a service round the clock? |
Is 24×7 Meditation possible? |
So far so good. But can a mumukshu take to 24×7 meditation? Is it ever practical? What about attending the bare minimum needs of one’s body such as bathing, clothing, eating, sleeping etc.? Without these how can the body be kept in a working condition even to take tomeditation? |
Yes, it looks just impossible. Yet, it can be done. It is in practice since the Vedic age. Presently, in and through what we do, experience and know, our mind is totally preoccupied with what is done, experienced, known and the world of plurality that we encounter with. All that the aadhyatmic lore tells us is to shift and focus our attention on that ultimate principle which enables all our preoccupations and which is the basis of the entire srishti (Creation). The Chhandogyopanishad declares: Certainly all this is Brahman (13.4.1). This is the gist of allUpanishads without an exception. |
All that needs to be done is to keep the constant and consistent vision that everything and everyone is Brahman/atma in and through all that we do including sleep. There is nothing else whatsoever other than Brahman. This is setting right our distorted vision by discarding allthe erroneous notions that we are engrossed in . |
Scriptural Pramaana for 24×7 Meditation |
Consider the following scriptural passages that aim at such mediation round the clock. |
i) |
‘Oh Arjuna, be steadfast in the vision that whatever that you do, eat, perform as sacrifice, give in charity or you are going to do is atma’ (Yogavasishtha Ni.Pu. 54.22). This statement is similar to a verse in the Bhagvadgita (9.27) with a slightdifference. Here, Lord Krishna says, ‘offer all these to me’. This shows that the |
true offering to Ishvara is to have the steady knowledge all along that everythingis Brahmasvarupa. |
ii) |
‘Thoroughly worship the ‘bodha-linga’ (chit-svarupa-linga) by all perceptions, experiences, and sense-enjoyments according to the occasion.’ (Lord Shiva to sage Vasishtha, Yo.Va.Ni.Pu.39.6). This includes all that we do round the clockincluding the sleep. |
iii) |
‘Wherever the mind goes there occur Samadhi effortlessly when the identification with the body disappears and Brahman is known directly’ (Saraswati Rahasyopadishad, 66, Drik Dishya Viveka, 30). This teaching is by Goddess Sarasvati to Sage Ashvalayana. Sri Bharatitirtha has commented on it in his text DrikDishya Viveka. |
24×7 Meditation in ‘Shatashloki ’ |
Bhagavatpujyapada Shankaracharya describes in ‘Shatashloki ‘ how a Brahmajnani conducts himself in the world. His outlook can serve as an inspiration to mumukshus to take to meditation round the clock as a means. In his ‘Shivamanasa puja’ also Acharya has described ourall activities as an act of worship of Lord Shiva. |
Here is the vision of a Brahmajnani while interacting with the world (Shatashloki, 12-13). ‘While walking he thinks, “ I am a wave in the all pervasive ocean of atma”. (Just as a wave is not different from the oceanic water, so I am not different from atma that is the ocean of chit). While sitting he thinks “ I am a beed in the form of jiva strung in the string of knowledge principle (chit or Hiranyagarbha)” . During the perception he observes, “Oh, I am happy because I got darshana (vision) of atma”. (In every perception, there is an eminent manifestation of chidabhasa or reflected chaitanya which illumines the thought and objectifies the perceived entity. This chidabhasa is considered as ‘atmadarshana’ because it is the replica of chit– atma. This can be extended to all our activities because without the relevant thoughts or active participation of the mind, no action can take place. Chidabhasa is inevitable in all thoughts). “During the deep sleep, I am immersed in the ocean of happiness that is my true nature”, so he thinks before going to sleep and after waking up.” Certainly, the mumukshu who spends ‘his life like this abides inpratyagatma’ (verse-12). |
‘This perceived jagat is a part of Virat, the presiding deity of macrocosmic embodiment. (Therefore he has no contempt, censure, intolerance or envy towards it). This jagat functions on account Chit (atma) that is superior to all pranas abiding inside. By that Chit only everything isknown. This atma is neither the doer (karta) nor the experiencer (bhokta) like the sun. Thus |
knowing, he who is endowed with scriptural knowledge and direct cognition of atma (aparoksha- jnana) conducts his life in contemplation of Paramatma/Brahman. (Wherever his mind goes,there he congnizes Paramatma)’ – verse 13). |
24×7 Worship in ‘Shivamanasa-puja’ |
‘Shivamanas-puja’, first envisages the individual as Lord Shiva with his paraphernalia. Then all activities at all the time everyday are offered to Lord Shiva as a worship. ‘Oh Lord, my atma is you. My buddhi (intellect) is Goddess Parvati. All my vital airs (pranas) are your attendants. This physical body is your abode. All my sense-experiences are worshipful offering to you. My sleep is the state of Samadhi – absorption in your true nature. You being all pervasive, all my walking is circumambulating you. All of my talks are your hymns. Oh,Shambhu, all that I do at all the time is your propitiation.’ |
The consistent practice of above awareness can lead to continuous meditation. |
[Excerpts compiled by Jayesh Sohoni from the teaching of ‘Shatashloki’ by SwamiShuddhabodhananda Saraswati.] |