About Swamiji
Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati
Teaching of Vedanta by Pujya Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati, with thorough in-depth teaching in classes, and in general in public talks to masses to inspire them and make them aware of our cultural heritage contained in the Vedantic vision.
The trust provides the infrastructure required for such teaching by Sri Swamiji in and around Mumbai and outside since it’s inception in 1983. The teaching is mainly in English medium besides in other languages such as Hindi, Kannada, Marathi also. Most of the Upanisads, Bhagavadgita and entire Brahmasutrasare are taught with Shankara Bhashya and also without the Bhashya. Almost all standard Prakarana Granthas (topic-wise treatises), some rare Upanishads including about 4200 selected verses from the Vedantic sublime text Yogavasishtha are taught. These teachings are made available free of cost through the YouTube channel of Sri Visweswar Trust (Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati-Mumbai), the link to which is provided here. Sri Swamiji’s students (in white clothes) are also teaching Vedanta in English, Marathi, Samskrit, Hindi and Gujarati. To supplement the the vedantic learning, some of the students of Sri Swamiji are teaching Samskrit Language.
Sri Visweswar Trust has a Research Wing headed by Sri Swamiji which is equipped with a library having valuable collection of rare Vedantic texts in Samskrit. Our publications such as Brahmasutra Bhashya (Chatussutri), Anubhuti Prakash (by Vidyaranya) Commentary (in the press), and Atmanubhava (in the press) by Swami Shuddhabodhanandaji are evidences of stringent research. E-books of all our publications will be provided in due course for free download.
From time-to-time Vedantic camps with guided meditation and workshops are conducted to provide students an opportunity to be with oneself free from usual daily preoccupations. These camps are coupled with an intense teaching of selected Vedantic text by Sri Swamiji. We promote Vedic Education by supporting Veda-Pathashalas.
Sri Visweswar Trust lends helping hand to service organisations who rehabilitate the destitute such as footpath dwellers etc., who are totally uncared for by the society. During the period from year 2002 to 2017, we undertook service projects in the remote tribal areas of Shahapur region and Kasara Ghats, at a distance of 90 to 125 km from Mumbai. This was in association with All India Movement (AIMS) For Seva dedicated to the service of neglected people from the main stream of the country. It was guided by Pujya Swami Dayanandaji and its Founder Chairman was H.E. Late R. Venkataraman, former President of India. The fields of this service were education, medical care, digging of wells, water harvesting, nutritional care and construction of community welfare centres.