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SETUSHA̅MA (SETU-SA̅MA) – Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati [Pujya Sri Swamiji used to sing often a part of setushāma in his public talks. Mahā Perivār ofKānchi was in the habit of listening to this Sāma everyday.] The Obstruction that denies us our true nature All Upanishads unequivocally declare that everything including our […]
On the Wings of Death
ON THE WINGS OF DEATH – BY SWAMI SHUDDHABODHANANDA SARASWATI BIRTH AND DEATH Birth and death are the two unavoidable painful events in everyone’s life. Though the birth of a child may be rejoiced by the relatives, it is certainly painful to the newly arriving entity. It is clear from the […]
Is the ‘DESIRE’ desirable?
IS THE ‘DESIRE’ DESIRABLE? – SWAMI SHUDDHABODHANANDA SARASWATI WHAT IS A DESIRE? Guru : A desire (kaama) is a craving, longing, or yearning for something that brings satisfaction, enjoyment or relief from sorrow, pain or suffering. It originates from the fundamental and universal urge of sukha-praapti (acquisition of joy) and dukha-nivritti […]
Can we trust God?
‘A child trusts its parent totally and feels fully secured. So too an adult must learn to trust Ishwara totally.’ Pearl of Wisdom, Pujya Sri Swamiji Commentary by Swami Shuddhabodhananda Who is Ishwara (the ultimate God/Divinity principle)? Consider the following Upanishadic statements: Sarvam khalu idam Brahma. All this jagat is Brahman (Ch.U.3-14-1). […]
Āyurveda – MOTHER-CARE(Ancient Indian System of Medicine) Compiled by Swami Shuddhabodhanand Saraswati Āyurveda (ancient Indian system of medicine) makes clear the high value put on the expectant mother-care and well-being of children. Before trying to know what Āyurveda has said about the need of expectant mother- care, it will not be out of […]
24×7 Meditation
24×7 MEDITATION – Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati 24×7 Services In this modern age more and more round the clock services called ‘twenty-four by seven’ services are provided every-day of the year. In commerce and industry etc. it is possiblefor a group of committed people to offer such a service round the clock? […]
INDIAN CULTURE By Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati Reclaim the Cultural Glory Mother India won its freedom from the foreign rule through the sacrifices of valiant sons and daughters, but it is yet to reclaim her cultural legacy of unity, morality and spirituality. Even after almost seven decades of freedom from political slavery, majority of us, especially […]
YOGAVAASISHTHA THE UNIQUENESS OF YOGAVAASISHTHA SWAMI SHUDDHABODHANANDA SARASWATI [Swami Shuddhabodhananda Saraswati (Mumbai) has taught about 4,200 selected verses from the Yogavaasishtha (compiled in PDF form) during the period from 2006 to 2016. The teaching was spread out across regular classes and yearly spiritual retreats. These verses were selected after a thorough scrutiny of the entire text […]