Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana Sat Darshana
19 videos
Sat Darshana
November 2, 2016
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Bhagavan Ramana Maharshi is simultaneously brief and clear. In his text Sat-Darshanam having 44 verses, he reveals beyond any trace of doubt the one and the same underlying existence (Sat) principle of ‘I’ the individual jiva, jagat the totality, and the popularly known God principle which is at once the indestructible and limitless happiness.

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Yoga Vasishtha
46 videos