Panchadasi Ch7 Truptidipa Truptidipa, the seventh chapter of Panchadasi describes the independent unfettered contenement of Brahmajnani well rooted in his...
Here is a rare opportunity to study the entire Ashtavakra Geeta. But a word of caution please. Vedanta presupposes that its student is dharmic in life. This text describes the direct discovery of the ultimate reality (Atma/Brahman) in its real nature free from cognitions of all superimposed seeming entities called upadhis and the roles such as Ishwara. Those who are adharmic and lack vairagya (dispassion) may misunderstand this text to the extent of even harming their self interest.
Though the status of Ishwara drops down in the final phase of knowledge, lshvara is indispensable to all jivas until one gets absorbed in the nirguna brahman at will. Of course this teaching has taken necessary precautions to be on guard. And yet your efforts to withdraw from the extrovertedness to develop an introvert mind and staunch shraddha are necessary to derive the maximum benefit from this sublime text.
These talks were recorded about 25 years ago at a place where proper sound system was not available. Please bear with us if there are any deficiencies. These 40 talks will be published every Thursday 6 pm (IST) beginning from 10th September, 2020 on YouTube.
Vivekachudamani All Upanishads declare that 'you are' meaning 'I am' the self-existing, self-evident chaitanya (knowledge principle), limitless happiness in nature...