Vivekachudamani All Upanishads declare that 'you are' meaning 'I am' the self-existing, self-evident chaitanya (knowledge principle), limitless happiness in nature...
Panchadasi Ch1 Tattva Viveka
Vedanta Panchadasi, popularly known as simply Panchadasi composed by Sri Vidyaranya Muni is an indispensible treatise for all mumukshus in the initial stages. It unfolds one’s real nature, provides the means and describes the finale of atmajnana identical with moksha. Some of its chapters use our daily experiences such as sense-perceptions, sense-pleasures, sleep and thoughts to pinpoint what “I” in reality the atma is. The first chapter called Tattva-Viveka indicates precisely the nature of atma based on sense-perceptions, proves how “I” am the locus of limitless love, thereby deduces its real nature the limitless happiness. It describes samadhi also. The vision contained in the first chapter is elaborated in the remaining text.