Vivekachudamani All Upanishads declare that 'you are' meaning 'I am' the self-existing, self-evident chaitanya (knowledge principle), limitless happiness in nature...
Panchadasi Ch7 Truptidipa
Truptidipa, the seventh chapter of Panchadasi describes the independent unfettered contenement of Brahmajnani well rooted in his real nature. This chapeter is an elaborate commentary on the following mantra of Brahadaranyakopanishad (4-4-12). “If the jiva knows in aparoksha (directly) that “I am the self-evident bodiless caintanya atma indentical with Brahman”, desiring what sense-pleasures for whose sake will he get afflicted on account of bodily upadhi? (Certainly not). This is expalained with the famous illustration of ‘Tenth man is lost’ in seven stages of ignorance, veiling, projection of false calamitous samsara, paroksha-jnana (indirect knowledge), aparoksha-jnana (direct cognition), freedom from total sorrows, and gaining the independent unfettered contenment.
Panchadasi Ch7 Truptidipa Truptidipa, the seventh chapter of Panchadasi describes the independent unfettered contenement of Brahmajnani well rooted in his...